"Have you come to the Red Sea place in your life, Where... there is no way out, there is no way back, there is no other way but through?"
Jungian Analysis
Art Therapy
Here you will find information about my services: Jungian analysis, Jungian art therapy and clinical consultations with a psychoanalytic focus, as well as creative renewal consultations and workshops.
As a Jungian psychoanalyst, I am interested in the unconscious, what is not speakable, knowable, or seen by the world around us. I care about the internal emotional divide and isolation that can lead to experiences of emotional darkness, including post-traumatic memories that may present as depression, grief and loss, or panic and anxiety. I also have an expertise in using art therapy with pregnancy and childbearing related issues and have edited a book of chapters: Art Therapy and Childbearing Issues. I offer short-term consultations for artists and writers to facilitate the creative process, explore blocks and nourish a renewal process using a Jungian perspective that is supported by my book Jungian Art Therapy. Dreams, art, writing along with Brainspotting and Focusing techniques are integrated into the psychotherapeutic process. I am located in Boulder, Colorado.
Office address:
2919 Valmont Street
Suite 209
Boulder, CO 80301
I am currently doing a hybrid model of office, telephone and telehealth sessions.